Quick Start Guide

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a simple entity gym environment.


$ pip install entity_gym

The Environment class

Create a new file treasure_hunt.py with the following contents:

from typing import Dict, Mapping
from entity_gym.runner import CliRunner
from entity_gym.env import *

# The `Environment` class defines the interface that all entity gym environments must implement.
class TreasureHunt(Environment):
    # The `obs_space` specifies the shape of observations returned by the environment.
    def obs_space(self) -> ObsSpace:
        return ObsSpace()

    # The `action_space` specifies what actions that can be performed by the agent.
    def action_space(self) -> Dict[str, ActionSpace]:
        return {}

    # `reset` should initialize the environment and return the initial observation.
    def reset(self) -> Observation:
        return Observation.empty()

    # `act` performs the chosen actions and returns the new observation.
    def act(self, actions: Mapping[ActionName, Action]) -> Observation:
        return Observation.empty()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    env = TreasureHunt()
    # The `CliRunner` can run any environment with a command line interface.

Try it out by running the following command:

$ python treasure_hunt.py

Since we haven’t implemented any functionality for our environment, this won’t do much yet. However, you should still see something like the following output:

Environment: TreasureHunt

Step 0
Reward: 0.0
Total: 0.0
Press ENTER to continue, CTRL-C to exit

Adding global features

Let’s add some logic to keep track of the player’s position and expose it in observations:

class TreasureHunt(Environment):
    def obs_space(self) -> ObsSpace:
        # `global_features` adds a fixed-length vector of features to the observation.
        return ObsSpace(global_features=["x_pos", "y_pos"])

    def reset(self) -> Observation:
        self.x_pos = 0
        self.y_pos = 0
        return self._observe()

    def _observe(self) -> Observation:
        return Observation(
            global_features=[self.x_pos, self.y_pos], done=False, reward=0

    def act(self, actions: Mapping[ActionName, Action]) -> Observation:
        return self._observe()

    def action_space(self) -> Dict[str, ActionSpace]:
        return {}

If you run the environment again, you should now see it print out the player’s position:

Environment: TreasureHunt
Global features: x_pos, y_pos

Step 0
Reward: 0
Total: 0
Global features: x_pos=0, y_pos=0
Press ENTER to continue, CTRL-C to exit

Implementing a “move” action

Now that the player has a position, we can add an action that moves the player. We change the action_space method to define "move" as global categorical action with 4 choices. We implement the logic for the action in the act method. Finally, we include a GlobalCategoricalActionMask for the "move" action in the Observation returned by _observe. If we wanted the "move" action to be unavailable on some timestep, we could omit the mask from the corresponding observation.

class TreasureHunt(Environment):

    def action_space(self) -> Dict[str, ActionSpace]:
        # The `GlobalCategoricalActionSpace` allows the agent to choose from set of discrete actions.
        return {
            "move": GlobalCategoricalActionSpace(["up", "down", "left", "right"])

    def act(self, actions: Mapping[ActionName, Action]) -> Observation:
        # Adjust the player's position according to the chosen action.
        action = actions["move"]
        assert isinstance(action, GlobalCategoricalAction)
        if action.label == "up" and self.y_pos < 10:
            self.y_pos += 1
        elif action.label == "down" and self.y_pos > -10:
            self.y_pos -= 1
        elif action.label == "left" and self.x_pos > -10:
            self.x_pos -= 1
        elif action.label == "right" and self.x_pos < 10:
            self.x_pos += 1
        return self._observe()

    def _observe(self) -> Observation:
        return Observation(
            global_features=[self.x_pos, self.y_pos],
            # Each `Observation` must specify which actions are available on the current step.
            actions={"move": GlobalCategoricalActionMask()},

It is now possible to move the player:

Environment: TreasureHunt
Global features: x_pos, y_pos
Categorical move: up, down, left, right

Step 0
Reward: 0
Total: 0
Global features: x_pos=0, y_pos=0
Choose move (0/up 1/down 2/left 3/right)
Step 1
Reward: 0
Total: 0
Global features: x_pos=0, y_pos=1
Choose move (0/up 1/down 2/left 3/right)
Step 2
Reward: 0
Total: 0
Global features: x_pos=1, y_pos=1
Choose move (0/up 1/down 2/left 3/right)

Adding “Trap” and “Treasure” entities

Now, we are going to place additional entities in the environment:

  • Treasure can be collected by the player and increases the player’s score by 1.0. Once all treasures are collected, the game is won.

  • Moving onto a trap immediately ends the game.

We define the new entity types by specifying the ObsSpace.entities dictionary in the obs_space method. Similarly, _observe now returns a features dictionary with an entry specifying the current positions of both entities. The logic that defines how the entities are spawned and affect the game is added to reset and act.

import random
from typing import Mapping, Tuple, Dict

class TreasureHunt(Environment):
    def reset(self) -> Observation:
        self.x_pos = 0
        self.y_pos = 0
        self.game_over = False
        self.traps = []
        self.treasure = []
        for _ in range(5):
        for _ in range(5):
        return self._observe()

    def obs_space(self) -> ObsSpace:
        return ObsSpace(
            global_features=["x_pos", "y_pos"],
            # An observation space can have several entities with different features.
            # On any given step, an observation may include any number of the defined entities.
                "Trap": Entity(features=["x_pos", "y_pos"]),
                "Treasure": Entity(features=["x_pos", "y_pos"]),

    def act(self, actions: Mapping[ActionName, Action]) -> Observation:
        action = actions["move"]
        assert isinstance(action, GlobalCategoricalAction)
        if action.label == "up" and self.y_pos < 10:
            self.y_pos += 1
        elif action.label == "down" and self.y_pos > -10:
            self.y_pos -= 1
        elif action.label == "left" and self.x_pos > -10:
            self.x_pos -= 1
        elif action.label == "right" and self.x_pos < 10:
            self.x_pos += 1

        reward = 0.0
        if (self.x_pos, self.y_pos) in self.treasure:
            reward = 1.0
            self.treasure.remove((self.x_pos, self.y_pos))
        if (self.x_pos, self.y_pos) in self.traps or len(self.treasure) == 0:
            self.game_over = True

        return self._observe(reward)

    def _observe(self, reward: float = 0.0) -> Observation:
        return Observation(
            global_features=[self.x_pos, self.y_pos],
                "Trap": self.traps,
                "Treasure": self.treasure,
            actions={"move": GlobalCategoricalActionMask()},

    def _random_empty_pos(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        # Generate a random position on the grid that is not occupied by a trap, treasure, or player.
        while True:
            x = random.randint(-5, 5)
            y = random.randint(-5, 5)
            if (x, y) not in (self.traps + self.treasure + [(self.x_pos, self.y_pos)]):
                return x, y

If you run the environment again, you will now see and be able to interact with all the entities:

Environment: TreasureHunt
Global features: x_pos, y_pos
Entity Trap: x_pos, y_pos
Entity Treasure: x_pos, y_pos
Categorical move: up, down, left, right

Step 0
Reward: 0.0
Total: 0.0
Global features: x_pos=0, y_pos=0
0 Trap(x_pos=-2, y_pos=5)
1 Trap(x_pos=-1, y_pos=-4)
2 Trap(x_pos=0, y_pos=2)
3 Trap(x_pos=-5, y_pos=-3)
4 Trap(x_pos=4, y_pos=3)
5 Treasure(x_pos=-3, y_pos=3)
6 Treasure(x_pos=3, y_pos=4)
7 Treasure(x_pos=5, y_pos=5)
8 Treasure(x_pos=-1, y_pos=-5)
9 Treasure(x_pos=5, y_pos=3)
Choose move (0/up 1/down 2/left 3/right)

This concludes the tutorial. If you want to learn how to train a neural network to play the game we just implemented, check out the enn-trainer tutorial.